Monday 7 December 2009

^^ (_) ^^

so i'm kind-of seeing this guy, not really but like we both like other people,
we just meet up a bit and act like a couple,

hes lovely but atm to me, all boys are.

and i think i'm very scared of commitment. Shit.

he makes me feel a little bit special in the short periods of time we spend together
i don't think he see's me the same,
i think he just thinks that im a bit of fun.

that gave me a little boost of :)

just for mum to suck it out of me.
i tried to talk to her seriously like grown-ups only she decided she didn't want to be a grown-up
i told her she needed to see someone, that she needed desperate help. she didn't like to hear that
i don't think anyone would, but anyone doesn't respond like she does, she goes on thinking shes queen and everyone else has the problem she went round pushing the pictures off the walls and knocking things over screaming "WHAT IS EVERYONES PROBLEM! everyone has problems i'm not the only one," i told her "yes everyone does have their own little problems but mum, yours is on a much larger scale and its become a health risk not just to you"

she went round again, slamming door's, pushing over chairs "WHY DOES EVERYONE OBJECT TO ME"

i didn't get much sleep last night.