Monday 19 July 2010

Private Blogs?

i miss jesse ):
i never get a chance to read her blogs.
cause hers is private it never tells me when she write them...
and i can't even access ngaios D:
but i just had a sudden JesseCraving
and had to read all the long blog posts mostly about david...
that did make me feel a little caught up with her,
i wish we could catch up for real
i wish she didn't stop texting me
i wish we were still best friends?
or atleast friends...
i wish we were still Tutu&Pyjamas
=[ i miss you.
i tried to fresh'n up
had a shower
(got my hair all tangled from being tied up for 3 day)
some clean clothes...
tried to do some art stuff
just reminded me of jesse again
and that picture we never finished...