Sunday 14 March 2010

(8)Twice I Turn My Back On You(8)

(CLICK> Twice - Little Dragon < So Lovely Please listen.
it's mothers day.
i got my mum a little teapot and a tea cup that fit together cause she loves tea in the morning.
i made her a card.
in the shape of the word MUM

-she doesn't deserve it.
not after last night.
i recorded her.
i recorded when she told me to leave.
i recorded when she shouted at me
i recorded when she pushed me
i recorded when she hit me
i recorded when she tried to hurt dad with a screwdriver
i recorded when she tried to hurt me with a screwdriver
i recorded when she slammed my hand in the door
when she cried
when i cried
when dad was too scared to go near her
when she said she was moving out
when she admitted to cheating on my dad
when she blamed everyone else
but herself.

but apparently this morning everything is fine again.
and she wants her present.