Friday, 23 December 2011

Thursday, 22 December 2011

HairCut x

Thursday, 15 December 2011


finally college is done for this term!! and i got distinction for my location photography,
it has been so good to just sit in paddy's bed all day doing nothing but drawing and watching him play little big planet :)
with tea an biscuits.

Monday, 5 December 2011

lost and found

lost my folder..
found me folder
deadline wednesday

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

weirdest fucking day D:

okay so my life isn't that interesting these days so much that i need to post anythiing

but today i NEED to post...


okay so firstly i'm ill (no need to go into detail)
and i'm supped to be going on a protest with judy (paddy's mum)
and so after feeling a bit better i gather my stuff and my camera
then i check and my camera has still got loads of stuff on it from last time
ao i go to upload it so i can clear the card to use today
but my computer is being shit and not uploading!
so i'm already pissed off and ill
i get a call from judy saying they finished the march but there will be talks for the next hour-ish
so i run for a bus and one doesn't come for ages!!
i get on a bus eventually and relax a little.
then the bus stops half way and the driver turns the enginge off and gets out,
so i ask "does this bus carry onto the center?"
and the bus driver if foreign and just says yes?
he goes off smoking and chatting loudly to his bus driver friends ina different language,
so i wait on the bus for like 15 minutes unitll another bus driver come along and says this bus is finished...
so i have to walk up to college green,
i get there and no-one there?
i call judy and she says "oh its castle park not college green"
so i walk there all miffed and find judy and everyone is pretty much going home
so i feel really stupid turning up to a prostest that has finished
and without my camera
and judy must be thinking what the point of me coming was?
but i helped her pack up and carry stuff back to her work and put it all away
and i carried on my way home thinking what a strange day it had been...
i purposly didn't get a bus!!!
i hadn't eaten all day so i stopped in the chicken shop for a special treat, and the guy said it will take 5 minutes there just cooking up some fresh stuff,
the first guy thats comes in is a little dodgey looking,
eyeing me up and down,
he keeps talking at me
"alright lurv" & "your very pretty aren't yah!!"
i ignore him and don't make eye contact,
"it's not illegal to talk you know?" he says
and i can feel him staring at me,
and as he leaves he says "alright nice talking to you"
me and the guy behind the counter give each other a weird look,
then as soon as that guy leaves another guy comes in
starts laying out all this tatty jewelry and (blatantly stolen) clothing on the counter
he just goes "£30 the lot"
and keeps trying to haggle the man behind the counter is just saying "no thanks..."
and after trying for like 5 minutes he starts just ranting saying "GOD what a fucking shame"
and "well fuck this then"
"i try to be nice but fuckk you"
and storms out...
i take my chicken and leave...
i'm going home!!!!
and not doing anything for the rest of the day!!!!
to fucking weird.

Monday, 28 November 2011

:( :S

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

hair cut...

what do you think?

sorry for using pictures of you tabi, but you are famous for your super hair, and i want!!!!


my bracelet rash thing has gone down enough for me to actually let it be seen,
but why would i show you anyway?
cause i'm gross :D
dig in.


this is not my hat.

the bandage is for my horrible arm disease accumulated by my bracelets.

i love this hood.
poppy let me have it? :D


i know it's late, but i didn't actually make my pumpkin till after halloween anyway,
i was working halloween night and i'm prob too old for trick or treating.
on the saturday though we went to bambi legs halloween at black swan,
still no tribe of frog because lakota is still down,
it was awesome though,
yes i was a little under the influence and a bit more than naturally happy...
but there was this wicked band called Slamboree which just did it for me,
they combine awesome dancey dubstep with CIRCUS yes CIRCUS
can't believe my luck :) paddy and abra were asked to perform on stage too as that is there thing :D

Monday, 14 November 2011

goodbye bracelets D:

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


this is my new Russ Troll :D
he is the first to my collection.
i saw him in a charity shop with two others about a week ago,
there was him, his twin (pink hair white sailor suit)
and a little hippy one with a could of beady dreads,
i obv instantly fell inlove with the dread one but sadly when i went in today he had been sold,
so i got geen hair'd sailor troll and when i get a bit more money i will buy his twin :D
and i collect them now.
and there is a clown one i am bidding on atm on ebay :D

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

like my pikachu bag?


-my panda onesie came through in the post :)
cosy again.
i now have 10 onesies.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


if your wandering how my days are going recently
college work
college work
(possible drawing)
college work
college work
more food
college work
(paddy comes home)
college work
(bit of computer/tv time)

-and thats on a non college day.
because college day's are taken up by cycling all the way into college to be told shit we already know look at each others pictures then sent home again...
and if we want help we have to beg for our teachers attention that he will only give us if he's not rushing off home early and makes us feel like were 'waisting' his time...
hes a nice guy just aah.

-hey check out mis MEGAroots atm.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

lesser and lesser updates.

i haven't writen a blog in ages...
can't explain it except maybe how busy i have been,
don't know next time i will be back so...
here we go:

college: super crazy, so much work, no help but thats the point, supposed to be able to do it myself... but its just too much, maybe if i had nothing else going on like shit home life etc. i would be able to get it done at a good standerd

home life: shit as above... mum is not only a raging alcoholic but she's also now got mental problems and is growing more and more disabled... i can't spend more than 10 minutes in a room with her. and thats hard when she follows me around.

paddy: lovely, beautiful, what less could he be? when i can eat again were going to cosmo's for all you can eat, then to watch a film. :) can't wait!

(why i can't eat: took too many drugs, chewed up my mouth, haven't been able to eat for like days!!! lost weight now my tight trousers are a little loose.

friends: they are lushtingzzzz, just been olivia's birthday house party(were i chewed up my face) that was hilerious, tess n olivia are such my girlies and olivia looks HAWT in nipple tassles, and even hotter with one fallen off ;D

and i am all into circus now. want to do circus everything. specially circus photography.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

pikachu of my own

i finally have a pikachu suit of my own that i can wear WHENEVER i want and not smoke and get blim holes in :)

Saturday, 10 September 2011


i haven'e been blogging cause i've been having an
summer :)
best ever.

yesterday was mine and paddy's 1 year anniversary :)
we went to ZULU'S and had some crazy burgers with ostrich and water buffalo
and it feels great to be just as inlove as when we started,
i made him the gay-est video ever :)
all them pictures of us in a big gay slideshow with some gay music and such :)
he loved it though...
what a big gay.

and last week was my birthday :)
i am 18
i can do anything i want :)
i can use my REAL ID
it feels good,

i'm going for a lovely family meal tonight with mine and paddy's family
to the WATER SKY big posh chinese restaurant :)

and i am preparing for my big birthday party next weekend,
it's Circus time :)

Friday, 19 August 2011

Thursday, 28 July 2011

hair done

and i'm ready for womad :D

Hair Dye And Wax

me and tess are getting ready for womad,
and dying my hair :)
i will dye tess' hair another time when she's allowed :D
were so exited about womad :D

Monday, 25 July 2011

This Summer:

so far:
SunRise Festival,
Free Party's,

Womad festi (including Tess' birthday)
Boomtown festi
(maybe)Green Man festi
Shambala festi
TribeOfFrog back :D

-frosty made me a hat to match my onesie. :D

Saturday, 23 July 2011

my drawings